having children “has only a small effect on happiness, and it is a negative one,” he explains. “People report being least happy when their children are toddlers and adolescents, the ages when kids require the most from the parents.”Pero, vamos que si mi madre no me hubiera tenido, es obvio que no hubiera disfrutado de esta maravillosa vida o querer tanto a mi hermano pequeño.
Hoy he leido que los niños europeos más felices son los holandeses, los españoles ocupan el quinto lugar. El reportaje de la bbc dice que no sólo porque Holanda sea una nación rica, hay naciones mas ricas, sino por el clima de libertad que se respira:
One of the strong points of the Dutch family, he says, is that it is very open and communicative. Relations are generally good between parents and children and they can talk about almost anything.No hace mucho tiempo un amigo me decía que viendo como se comportan los padres españoles comparados con los holandeses había observado que éstos observan a sus hijos mientran juegan o estan haciendo cosas que no puedes provocarles "demasiado peligro" mientras los padres españoles estaban continuamente controlando a sus hijos diciendo "esto no se toca"... "eso no se hace", "no te muevas de aquí", etc, etc
"In this country, it's very free, you can do anything you want, (...) Newsnight programme. "You can smoke at 16, you can buy pot in the store next to the school. You can do what you like and because it's not illegal, it's not that interesting for us to provoke our parents with it." (...) "In Holland, it isn't that important - it doesn't matter to anyone."
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